Homoeopathy is a system of medicine that encompasses the human being as a whole, mind and body together. The medicines used in Homoeopathy are not harsh chemical drugs, but energy medication prepared from the plant, animal and mineral kingdom. Homoeopathic medicines work to stimulate the creative energies in the human being, bringing about healing and cure with the help of the body’s own curative and regenerative forces, thus resulting in an improvement in the body’s immunity over a period of time.

Children form one of the major groups of patients in a Homoeopathic practice and it is heartening for the Homoeopath to see how well he/she can change and improve the constitution of the child with correct Homoeopathic constitutional treatment.

We are all born with inherited tendencies that have come down the family line from both our parents’ sides. These inherited tendencies, apart from structural tendencies, comprise also functional tendencies which would include how our bodies function, tendency to certain diseases, weaknesses of certain organ systems and also emotional and mental tendencies like behaviour and intellect.

A Homoeopathic physician, in a detailed case taking, takes note of all the familial tendencies, and then during the course of treatment, takes measures to eradicate and lessen the effects of those harmful tendencies in the human being under treatment. Needless to say, the benefit of such constitutional treatment is best seen in children who ultimately develop and grow to their best potential. Such constitutional treatment may be spread over a number of years, and though it is a long term treatment, the long term benefits easily outweigh the costs.

Since Homoeopathy works on the immune system of the body, this system of medicine works well in chronic diseases like asthma, allergies, arthritis, digestive dysfunction, migraines, skin problems, etc. Even in acute illnesses that are by nature, short lasting, Homoeopathy can cure and cut short the duration of the illness. However, Homoeopathy has no specific medicines for specific conditions, unlike some other systems of medicine, and hence it is important that the patient give the utmost detail of the illness to the doctor for selection of the best possible Homoeopathic medicine which can cure in the least possible time.

To list some of the advantages which Homoeopathic treatment offers children, they are:

  1. Easy method of administration of medicines.
  2. Least resistance to taking medicines, as the medicines are mainly in a sweet sucrose or lactose base.
  3. Builds up the body’s resistance and improves the immunity with proper constitutional treatment.
  4. Helps in removal of inherited tendencies which have come down through the family line – e.g., tendency to catch repeated colds and chest infections, allergies, asthma, skin problems, arthritis, cancer, etc.
  5. Improvement of memory and brain function.
  6. Deals with behavioural and emotional problems like stammering, nail biting, thumb sucking, etc.
  7. No side effects when given in proper dosage.
  8. Does not develop dependency to medication.
  9. Creates ideal bodily and mental health for optimum height and weight.
  10. Treats chronic conditions in depth without side effects.
  11. Regulates body functions without use of strong chemical medicines.

Homoeopathy hence offers a safe, gentle and easy way to creating and maintaining good health.

Most of us have experienced a state of panic when an infant or a child falls sick. When a child isn’t feeling well, the first thing that comes to our mind is to check for a fever. ‘Fever’ is not an illness by itself, but it is a sign that indicates that something is not right inside the body. ‘Alarm bells’ go off within most mothers and they react to this by instantly trying to bring down the fever, either by giving the child some medicine to bring down the fever, like a paracetamol, or by rushing to the doctor for stronger medications.

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